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Gridpak – Trystar’s Renewable Power Solution

Last Updated on March 14, 2023

Trystar is excited to introduce our carbon-neutral, solar-based, portable renewable energy solution to help utilities and rental house customers respond to demands for more carbon-friendly power sources.

The GridPak is a carbon-neutral alternative to conventional diesel and gas power sources. It provides up to 30kW of power and features battery capacities of 60kWh and 120kWh, with an option for 180kWh. The GridPak solar array collects 320kWh of energy (eight-hour day) weekly. Operators can parallel up to four GridPaks to provide as much as 720kWh of carbon-free power. In inclement weather, GridPak features a low-noise propane generator capable of generating 6.5kW to supplement solar charging. The energy is stored in a series of lithium-iron phosphate batteries. Battery charging times (calculated as 60kWh battery) are 2.0 hours (utility), 9.2 hours (generator at 6.5 kW), and 10.5 hours (solar at 5.7 kW). A single GridPak system can offset 2510 pounds of CO2 per week or 65 T CO2 per year. GridPak saves an estimated 98 gallons of diesel fuel per week or 5096 gallons annually.

“We designed GridPak to help customers meet their carbon emission reduction targets,” said Tim McCarthy, Trystar’s marketing director. “It’s a turnkey solution that produces energy with no emissions or noise. It’s also reliable and scalable.”

GridPak can provide on-demand immediate power, and one person can deploy it in as little as 15 minutes via a 24″ color LCD touchscreen. Programmed steps and safety confirmations guide set-up and break-down procedures. The solar array unfolds automatically and continuously orients itself to the sun throughout the day. The onboard operating system monitors conditions and switches to backup power generation if required. The solar array automatically retracts should winds reach 50 MPH. GridPak can be retracted and moved just as quickly as it deploys. The low-cost operation and low-maintenance design combine to minimize the total cost of ownership.

GridPak features a low-maintenance design and is self-contained. The highly mobile platform transports easily on a 22-foot DOT-rated dual-axel trailer with a GCWR of approximately 15,000 lbs., depending on the model. Deployed and stowed dimensions are 16.3′ x 26′ x 21′ and 8.5′ x 26′ x 8.3′ respectively.

Customers can specify the output connectors, and the packages can vary according to customer requirements. The rated operating temperature is -40⁰F to 140⁰F. GridPak features easily accessible E-Stop locations and actuator safety limits.

In addition to three GridPak models, the Trystar family of renewable energy products also includes three PowerPak models. The PowerPak comes without the solar array but features battery energy storage (60kWh/120kWh/180kWh) supported by a 6.5kW onboard generator. Accessories include the ParallelPak, which allows the operator to parallel any combination of up to four units of GridPaks or PowerPaks. Standard and quick-charge EV charging station accessories are also available.

Typical applications include: sports event signage, electronics, and merchandising; golf tournament signage and electronics; entertainment equipment; general construction and construction office sites; military and police response scenarios; emergency facility installations; disaster response; EV and EV accessory charging; and highway construction illumination.

For more information, please see the Trystar GridPak specifications at:

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