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Home > News > Single Phase, LED-Compatible, Seismic-Rated Emergency Lighting Inverter

Single Phase, LED-Compatible, Seismic-Rated Emergency Lighting Inverter

by Suzanne Hooley

Many new construction projects are now including LED fixtures in their lighting design … and some of these LED fixtures are designated for emergency egress lighting.   If you’ve been tasked with specifying a cost-effective, LED-compatible lighting inverter to provide power in emergency egress situations, we invite you to look closely at our seismic-rated UltraLITE Model ELU single phase inverter with output ratings up through 14 kW!

Whether fed from the AC power source or even while in battery mode, this UL 924 Listed, 1.5 kW – 14 kW single phase inverter has a peak overload capability up to 1400% to accommodate inrush current from LED fixtures!

Additional features include:

  • Automatic self-testing, data logging, and reporting per NFPA 101
  • Available Intellistat TS monitor with color touchscreen display, to provide the most-advanced life safety system testing available.

For critical life safety applications which include LED fixtures and need a reliable emergency lighting power source, we have a product solution for you!

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