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Home > Products > SER-3200/SER-2408


Sequence of Events Recorder

Know what happened and when—to 1 millisecond! CyTime Sequence of Events Recorder models SER-3200/SER-2408 record status changes of up to 32 channels, time-stamped to 1 ms.   Time synchronization is achieved via PTP (IEEE 1588), IRIG-B, DCF77, NTP, Modbus TCP or an RS-485 signal from another SER.   An embedded web server allows setup over a network using a standard browser, plus easy access to all events, status and even custom pages you create.

This product has been replaced by the SER-32e. Click Here

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  • Time-stamped event recording for up to 32 channels, 1ms accuracy
  • Up to 8192 Events stored in non-volatile memory
  • Ethernet connectivity, Modbus TCP and web technologies
  • GPS time sync via PTP (IEEE 1588 Master/Slave), IRIG-B or DCF77
  • Time output (IRIG-B, DCF77, ASCII) to other devices
  • Other time-sync options include NTP, Modbus TCP or Inter-SER (RS-485)
  • High-speed trigger to capture waveforms by a compatible power meter
  • Open/close relay outputs over an Ethernet network (Modbus TCP)
  • California Senate Bill 327 compliant (SB-327 Information Privacy: Connected Devices)
  • UL Listed, CE Mark, RCM, FCC, RoHS compliance


Data Centers

The Sequence of Events Recorder enables accurate event recording in modern data center Electrical Power Monitoring Systems (EPMS). [ More ]


Emergency Power Supply Systems (EPSS) in hospitals use the Sequence of Events Recorder in automatic test and reporting systems to ensure reliable backup power and document compliance with testing regulations. [ More ]


The Sequence of Events Recorder offers precision event recording for supervisory control and data acquisition systems in continuous processes such as refineries and water treatment plants. [ More ]

Microgrids and Alternative Energy

The Sequence of Events Recorder provides critical data for root-cause analysis in microgrids and alternative energy networks. When used with compatible power monitors or protective relays, the SER trigger waveform captures coincident with events, for advanced diagnostics and preventive maintenance. [ More ]

Ordering Info

SER-3200-P2X2CyTime Event Recorder, 32-input, PTP, secure web, 2x option slots, control power ride-thru
SER-3200-PTPCyTime Sequence of Events Recorder, 32 inputs, plus PTP
SER-3200-32GBCyTime Sequence of Events Recorder, 32 inputs, PTP + 32GB
SER-2408-P2X2CyTime Sequence of Events Recorder, 24 in / 8 outputs (24Vdc)
SER-2408-PTPCyTime Sequence of Events Recorder, 24 in / 8 outputs, PTP
SER-2408-32GBCyTime Sequence of Events Recorder, 24 in / 8 outputs, PTP + 32GB
PTP-UPGRADEPTP Field Upgrade Kit for CyTime Sequence of Events Recorder SER-3200/SER-2408
EZC-IRIG-BEZ Connector for SER, IRIG-B input
EZC-DCF77EZ Connector for SER, DCF77 input
PLX-5VPTP Legacy Interface OUT (5V output)
PLX-24VPTP Legacy Interface OUT (24V output)

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