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SureImage Power Processor Model 700F/M (60K(i) - 260K(i)) Medical-Grade
The Power Processor Model 700F/M is a part of the SureImage, Imaging, and Treatment Series of medical-grade power conditioners. The Model 700F/M is a power conditioning voltage regulator which provides stable and clean power to CT, MRI, PET, Linear Accelerator, X-ray, and other imaging/treatment equipment, ensuring accurate and clear image scans. The Model 700F/M uses a proprietary power sampling technique to ensure that the proper voltage value is always present at the load and that there are no damaging effects of over or undershoot of voltage. The Model 700F/M is provided in a front access only enclosure to minimize footprint, while increasing serviceability and ease of access.
The Model 700F/M has been shake-table tested and each K(i) size is offered with an optional seismic rating. Seismic-rated Model 700F/M units are available with an input nominal voltage of 208VAC, 240VAC, or 480VAC and are provided on floor-mounting channels. These units meet seismic standards which satisfy the California Office of Statewide Health Planning (OSHPD) requirements, as well as CBC 2013, and IBC 2015 standards. Learn more about our OSHPD Seismic Preapproval (OSP) and test results!
- CT
- Linear Accelerator
- X-Ray
- Cardiology

Product Specifications
Features and Benefits
- Highest Level of Image Quality and Diagnostic Reliability
- Optimum Workflow and Patient Satisfaction
- Removal of Voltage Sags and Surges Associated with System Restarts
- Compensation for Generator Power Voltage Drops During Scans
- Ultimate Component and System Reliability
- Permanent Location or Portable (Optional Casters)
- Small Footprint
- High Efficiency
- Medical Rated and Designed
Performance Specs
- Front Access
- Output Line Voltage Regulation: ± 2%
- Output Load Regulation: < 2% from typical steady state load to intermittent power demand
- K-Factor Rating: K13
- Output Impedance: 2% typical at rated load
- Common Mode Noise Attenuation: 146 dB
- Transverse Mode Noise Attenuation: 3 dB down at 1KHz, 40 dB down per decade
- Efficiency: 97% typical at full load, continuous rating
- Internal Regulator Bypass
- Standard Surge Protection Device (SPD): Secondary-connected, 40kA per mode; with high frequency filter, status indicator
- Meets ANSI/IEEE C62.41 category B-3 surge capability
- Optional SPD, 100kA per phase, UL 1449 Listed; with LED status indicators
- Optional Input and Output Digital Metering
- Optional Output Circuit Breakers (Up to 2)
Three Phase Sizes
- 60K(i), 75k(i), 100K(i), 160K(i), 210K(i), 260K(i)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a K(i) Rating?
A K(i) rating refers to the intermittent kVA or momentary power demand rating. When performing an imaging scan or treatment procedure, most medical equipment has a high inrush current — meaning that the current will rise 3 to 5 times the steady state current, or higher! SureImage medical K(i) rated power conditioners and voltage regulators are designed to supply this demand, while continuing to provide tightly-regulated voltage.
How does the Model 700F/M Power Processor improve the quality of image scans?
The Model 700F/M Power Processor regulates the voltage to well within factory specifications of the imaging equipment, as well as protects the equipment from damaging electrical events such as ground noise and spikes. When the power going to the equipment is clean and regulated, the imaging device will operate at its optimum level.
How do I know I need a voltage regulator for my medical imaging equipment?
In most cases, if the image scans contain “artifacts” or the equipment is not functioning properly on a frequent basis or even sporadic occurrences, then the power going to the imaging equipment could be out of specification and may need a voltage regulator.
How does the Model 700F/M Power Processor differ from other voltage regulators?
The Model 700F/M Power Processor has many different features that set it apart from other voltage regulators.
Low Output Impedance: The Model 700F/M Power Processor has a 2% output impedance. This provides higher inrush capability, while delivering a more stable voltage and a lower vTHD during an image scan.
Regulation Sampling: The Model 700F/M Power Processor samples the incoming waveform and regulates the voltage using a proprietary technique that prevents over or under correction of voltage. This increases the reliability of the imaging equipment and provides for improved operation and performance.
Isolation: Some voltage regulators do NOT provide isolation. In fact, isolation is critical for the successful installation of medical imaging and treatment equipment. With isolation, a new neutral to ground bond is established, which prevents disruptive and sometimes damaging ground noise. Classified as a newly derived power source, OEM specified Total Load Regulation specifications can be met, and crucial common mode noise attenuation can be accomplished.
Who is OSHPD and what is OSHPD Seismic Pre-Approval?
OSHPD is an acronym for the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. OSHPD monitors the planning and oversight of hospital construction and mandates that any equipment required to withstand an earthquake and function afterwards be approved and certified via shake-table testing. Once certified, the equipment can receive an “OSHPD Seismic Pre-Approval” (OSP) status for use within hospital facilities.
What is the benefit having “OSHPD Seismic Pre-Approval” certification for the Model 700F/M?
The Model 700F/M’s “OSHPD Seismic Pre-approval” certification reduces the time required for an engineer to locate and select the necessary power conditioning and voltage regulating equipment for use within the hospital facility.
Since OSHPD is pertinent to hospital construction within the state of California, can the seismic-rated Model 700F/M be used in other states and provinces?
The Model 700F/M has been OSHPD pre-approved and certified via shake-table testing to a very specific set of criteria. Testing and data reporting were completed to the following standard: ICC – AC156: Acceptance Criteria for Seismic Certification by Shake-Table Testing of Nonstructural Components and Systems.rnrnThe important fact to remember is that this standard satisfies IBC 2015, as well as OSHPD and CBC 2013. This means that the 700F/M models carry verification testing which is recognized and accepted by most of the United States, as well as other countries. We DO receive a number of requests for seismic-rated equipment, outside of the state of California!
Are there tangible differences between seismic-rated and traditional (standard, non-seismic) 700F/M models?
Yes, but very few. Product model weights and dimensions are the same for both seismic-rated and non-seismic units. However, seismic-rated units are constructed exclusively with floor-mounting channels; and are only available with an input nominal voltage of 208VAC, 240VAC, or 480VAC. While 600VAC and custom voltage models can be designed and built to the same seismic ratings, they have not been OSHPD pre-approved.